Baiona and Time

EDITED BY: Baiona Council.

Place of publication and date: Baiona. 2011.

Number of pages: 157

Baiona y su Tiempo
The book is edited as a compliment to the implementation of the Special Protection Plan for the Baiona Historical Artistic Ensemble once it was definitely approved. The book narrates the historical development of the town through the information document elaborated in the plan. Attached to such plan are the literary texts of the numerous travellers who came to Baiona la Real, an important harbour in the Galician coast, throughout history and with an urban heritage of interest.

In the late 19th century, the town became a destination as a summer resort on a Spanish level. The need for its publication is based on the conviction that this type of information concerning spreading urbanism plans is poorly valued, and that, it is essential for citizens’ understanding of the desired values, in this case, to protect the essential pieces and the identification and appropriation of the place by the neighbours for its valuing. The book offers a considerable amount of graphic documentation which varies between historical cartography to a stamp collection that allows the observation of change throughout time. Moreover, the drawings of elevations of streets in the current monument are included, as an element for appreciating architecture and that is certainly a reference in the future evolution of Baiona.